Dame Darina Allen
Soda breads are the traditional breads of our country. Making a loaf of soda bread is a simple life skill that everyone should know. A loaf or a tray of scones will be made in minutes and out of the oven before you find your car keys to drive to the shop! Soda bread only takes a few minutes to make and 30-40 minutes to bake. It is certainly another of our ‘great convertibles’. We have a lot of fun experimenting with different variations from teeny weenies to crusty loaves and deep-pan pizza. The possibilities are endless for the hitherto humble soda bread.
Makes 1 round loaf
450g (1lb) plain white flour
1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 level teaspoon salt
350-400ml (12-14fl oz) sour milk or buttermilk (the quantity depends on the thickness of the milk)
Preheat the oven to 230ºC/450ºF/Gas Mark 8.
Soda bread is best cooked in a conventional oven rather than a fan or convection oven.
Sieve the dry ingredients into a large bowl.
Make a well in the centre and pour most of the milk in at once. Using one hand with the fingers stiff and outstretched, mix in a full circular movement from the centre to the outside of the bowl, gradually drawing in the flour from the sides.
Add a little more milk if necessary – shop bought buttermilk is thinner than farm-fresh, so you will need less rather than more. The dough should be softish, not too wet and sticky.
The trick with all soda breads is not to overmix the dough – mix the dough as quickly and as gently as possible, keeping it really light and airy. When it all comes together – a matter of seconds – turn it out onto a well-floured work surface.
WASH AND DRY YOUR HANDS, then dust them with flour.
Tidy up the dough and flip it over gently. Pat into a round, about 4cm (1 1/2 inch) deep.
Gather some of the excess flour from the worktop and sprinkle it on the centre of the baking tray. With a sharp knife, cut a deep cross on top and prick the four corners with the tip of your knife to let the fairies out, otherwise they will jinx your bread!
Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 200ºC/400ºF/Gas
Mark 6 and bake for 30 minutes more, until cooked. If you are in doubt, tap the bottom of the bread – if it’s fully cooked, it will sound hollow. Allow to cook on a wire rack.
A little White Soda Bread Loaf
Make the loaf as in master recipe but add 425ml (15fl oz) buttermilk and scoop it into the oiled 450g (1lb) loaf tin – 13cm x 20cm (5 inch x 8 inch).
Sprinkle with oatmeal and sesame seeds or kibbled wheat seeds if you enjoy them. This is more convenient for slicing or using as sandwiches.
White Soda Scones
Make the dough as above but flatten the dough into a round or square approx. 2.5cm (1 inch) deep and stamp or cut into scones.
Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at 230ºC/450ºF/Gas
Mark 8 or use to cover the top of a casserole or stew.
Taken from The New Ballymaloe Bread Book published by Gill Books