Dame Lucy Vincent WOW’ing the crowds        

Here’s to Dame Lucy Vincent, who has been named as one of this year’s Inspirational Women, in a campaign supported by the Daily Mail and M&S.  Founder and CEO of Food Behind Bars, Lucy attended a Women of the World (WOW) event at Buckingham Palace in March, where she met the Queen and was able to highlight the important work she and her team are doing to campaign for change in prison food.

Alongside fellow Dame Natalia Middleton, Lucy works at Food Behind Bars to tirelessly campaign for nutritious, exciting and varied food to become the norm in British prisons.

As well as celebrating Dame Lucy’s most recent accolade, the charity is currently fundraising to build a Prison Food Education Programme and roll it out nationally. Over the next 3 years, it will result in better quality food for over a quarter of the prison population. You can  help them reach their goal to make it possible by donating here https://www.givey.com/prisonfoodeducationprogramme

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